Bernard Tomic You probably don’t like me but, at only 24, you guys can only dream about having what I have at 24. – Bernard Tomic Dream Quotes Guys Quotes I didn’t come from a rich family. We had no money. And now living in all these lavish houses and property around the world, it’s my choice. It’s something that I’ve worked for. End of the day, don’t like me or whatever. Just go back dreaming about your dream car or house while I go buy them.
Frankie Muniz I am keeping with tradition today. After I learned of my Golden Globe nomination, I went to the dentist, so today, let’s make it the orthodontist. – Frankie Muniz
Randhir Kapoor Rajiv largely stayed with me, he had a house in Pune but he was mostly in Mumbai. – Randhir Kapoor
Keiynan Lonsdale I always said to myself the only reason that I won’t get what I want in life is if I give up. – Keiynan Lonsdale
Big KRIT We all wish we could stay with one franchise and it work out the way it work out but it doesn’t necessarily work that way, but you’ve got to keep balling. – Big KRIT
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