Bernard Sumner I think New Order have got their own sound. But what we like to do is experiment, using dance music and other things. – Bernard Sumner Dance Quotes Experiment Quotes Music Quotes Sound Quotes If you’re driving around or at home with the stereo blasting pure dance track, it gets boring within about 15 minutes. It doesn’t work at home like it does in a nightclub. You’ve got no atmosphere. As you get older, you kind of take a more sober view of life.
Francis Collins When does life begin? When does the soul enter? That’s a religious question. Science is not going to be able to help with that. – Francis Collins
John Ross Bowie I got recognized on the subway in South Africa because of ‘Big Bang.’ – John Ross Bowie
HumorJames Wolcott Feature-length film comedy is harder to pull off than the episodic sitcom – it doesn’t have the same factory machinery up and running, teams of writers putting familiar characters through permutations – but that doesn’t explain the widening quality gap that makes movie humor look like a genetic defective. – James Wolcott
Rob Beckett I’ve three older brothers, Dan, Russ and Darren, and a younger brother, Joe. It was a lot of fun. – Rob Beckett
Mohnish Bahl A hospital is like a war zone, and in ‘Sanjivani’ we show the innards of a hospital, including the commercial aspect – how the health care system is infected by greed. No service provider can run in the loss, but people in the medical profession have to draw a line and perform duties to the best of their abilities. – Mohnish Bahl
Jalen Rose The star power is who is playing at an All-Star level, a top 12 level, and that’s Jimmy Butler. He’s become one of the best players in the league, a terrific two-way player. – Jalen Rose
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