Bill Forsyth I don’t really enjoy filming. – Bill Forsyth Enjoy Quotes Filming Quotes I’m not fond of any of my films in an intimate way, but Gregory’s Girl would be number 4 on my list. I’d made these experimental films but I thought the major chore of a filmmaker was to relate to actors.
Sophie Okonedo There is a lot more opportunity now, and I welcome all the conversations we are having about diversity, about women and about class… I come from a very working-class background, and I think the class thing is still probably more tricky. – Sophie Okonedo
Debra Granik Festivals are where I see other peoples’ films, where we talk, where I get to learn what was working about the film, I get to have a discussion with viewers… and people who enjoy reading films – I enjoy reading other peoples’ films, and what discussions can come of that. – Debra Granik
Jessica Ennis-Hill From 15 or 16, I always wanted to be an Olympic champion, but I don’t think you ever believe it until it actually happens. – Jessica Ennis-Hill
Bill O'ReillyLegal There comes a time when a human being has to either face evil or admit to allowing it. Abortion is legal in the United States, but it should not be celebrated or used as a political tool. Viable babies are human beings. – Bill O’Reilly
Nancy Wilson I know, in so many cases, a lot of the women who came up through the singer-songwriter, Lilith Fair era, the earlier Lilith Fair era, did say that we were influences on them. – Nancy Wilson
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