Bill Lee That was real baseball. We weren’t playing for money. They gave us Mickey Mouse watches that ran backwards. – Bill Lee Baseball Quotes Mickey Quotes Money Quotes Mouse Quotes Playing Quotes Real Quotes Watches Quotes Most of the managers are lifetime .220 hitters. For years pitchers have been getting these managers out 75% of the time and that’s why they don’t like us. The only rule I got is if you slide, get up.
ArchitectureArthur Erickson Today’s developer is a poor substitute for the committed entrepreneur of the last century for whom the work of architecture represented a chance to celebrate the worth of his enterprise. – Arthur Erickson
Charles A BeardHistoryPower All the lessons of history in four sentences: Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad with power. The mills of God grind slowly, but they grind exceedingly small. The bee fertilizes the flower it robs. When it is dark enough, you can see the stars. – Charles A Beard
Amish Tripathi If you have to write a fictional adventure to convey a philosophy of evil, the best person is the destroyer of evil himself, Lord Shiva. – Amish Tripathi
Dave Reichert The men and women who make up a plane’s crew put their lives in jeopardy each time they fly. It’s our job as much as anyone’s to make sure we make it as safe as possible up there for them. – Dave Reichert
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