Bob Mortimer We miss ‘House of Fools’ a lot. We always enjoyed doing that; it felt a bit like a different and fresh show for British TV, so we always feel attached to those sort of things. – Bob Mortimer Attached Quotes Bit Quotes British Quotes Enjoyed Quotes Feel Quotes Fools Quotes Fresh Quotes House Quotes Lot Quotes Sort Quotes You know the thing I liked about fishing when I was 14 was being out with your mates mucking about, throwing bread around, getting a bit wet maybe. Comedy, if it didn’t save my life, certainly gave me a very different life.
Matt Haig Depression is a horrible, potentially life-threatening illness – but the lives it threatens are almost always those of the people who suffer from it. – Matt Haig
Daniel Suarez I’ve read one too many thrillers that had really horrible technology in them. – Daniel Suarez
Arthur C Brooks Yes, free markets tend to produce unequal incomes. We should not be ashamed of that. On the contrary, our system is the envy of the world and should be a source of pride. – Arthur C Brooks
Nikki Glaser I remember the ‘Jenny McCarthy Show’ being kind of funny, and I remember her being just like one of the boys. I remember her being counter to everything I thought girls should be on TV, or whatever. I kind of liked her vibe. – Nikki Glaser
Richard Ashcroft Life’s about ego. So for someone to talk about my ego, as they are writing their piece about my ego, I’m wondering what they’re doing with their ego? – Richard Ashcroft
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