Bob Woodward The legislator learns that when you talk a lot, you get in trouble. You have to listen a lot to make deals. – Bob Woodward Deals Quotes Learns Quotes Legislator Quotes Listen Quotes Lot Quotes Talk Quotes Trouble Quotes I think journalism gets measured by the quality of information it presents, not the drama or the pyrotechnics associated with us. I have written things that Republicans and Democrats and all kinds of figures have either hated or felt very uncomfortable about. Because in doing these long projects and books, you get close to the bone. And they’re not calling me up and asking me for dinner.
Andy Warhol Since I was shot, everything is such a dream to me. Like I don’t know whether I’m alive or whether I died. I wasn’t afraid before. And having been dead once, I shouldn’t feel fear. But I am afraid. I don’t understand why. – Andy Warhol
John Lewis If it hadn’t been for that march across the Edmund Pettus Bridge on Bloody Sunday, there would be no Barack Obama as President of the United States of America. – John Lewis
Kathleen Turner As I traveled from one country to another, no one knew anything about me. So I could be anybody, I could speak as I wished, act as I wished, dress as I wished. – Kathleen Turner
Francois Nars A woman who hides behind a mask of makeup is still going to have to take it off at some point… and deal with reality. – Francois Nars
GoodHermann HesseInspirational I have always believed, and I still believe, that whatever good or bad fortune may come our way we can always give it meaning and transform it into something of value. – Hermann Hesse
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