Booth Tarkington Boyhood is the longest time in life for a boy. The last term of the school-year is made of decades, not of weeks, and living through them is like waiting for the millennium. – Booth Tarkington Boy Quotes Boyhood Quotes Decades Quotes Life Quotes Living Quotes Millennium Quotes Schoolyear Quotes Term Quotes Time Quotes Waiting Quotes Weeks Quotes He had not yet learned that the only safe male rebuke to a scornful female is to stay away from her – especially if that is what she desires.
HomeRumi It may be that the satisfaction I need depends on my going away, so that when I’ve gone and come back, I’ll find it at home. – Rumi
Meghan MarkleRomantic At the end of the day, if the guy is going to write the girl a letter, whether it’s chicken scratch or scribble or looks like a doctor’s note, if he takes the time to put pen to paper and not type something, there’s something so incredibly romantic and beautiful about that. – Meghan Markle
Indira Gandhi You must learn to be still in the midst of activity and to be vibrantly alive in repose. – Indira Gandhi
Betty White If everyone took personal responsibility for their animals, we wouldn’t have a lot of the animal problems that we do. I’m a big spay-and-neuter supporter. Don’t have babies if you’re not going to take care of those babies. We don’t need more. We just need to take care of the ones we have. Take responsibility and breathe kindness. – Betty White
Gabe Kapler On MLB team flights, adult beverages are often enjoyed. Usually, the youngest, most wet-behind-the-ears players will be responsible for carrying the beer and ultimately delivering it to the veterans. – Gabe Kapler
Marquise Goodwin Just because something that you wanted your whole life didn’t quite work out as you planned it to – a lot of the times it’s not supposed to work out how you want it to – it will grow you as a person and make you better. – Marquise Goodwin
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