Brian Ortega I was sitting around, moping and feeling badly for myself. I went to the hospital to visit a child, and it hit me: helping people is what I’m meant to do. – Brian Ortega Badly Quotes Child Quotes Feeling Quotes Helping Quotes Hit Quotes Hospital Quotes Meant Quotes Moping Quotes People Quotes Sitting Quotes Visit Quotes I want to go out and help people and share love where love is needed. You know how it is: you’re a kid, and you see your parents do something, you tend not to want to follow that and do your own thing.
Flip Wilson I tell fans who ask me why I’m not doing comedy anymore that I’m a different person. I’ve grown and I’ve matured. I’ve made a transition to where I really want to be. – Flip Wilson
Letitia JamesWomen I come from a long line of very strong, tough women. We stick to our principles and stand up for what we believe in, which is fundamental fairness, which is my raison d’etre. – Letitia James
Russell Smith Calls for the simplification of abstract or allusive art have always come from governments suspicious of artists themselves. This is why totalitarian regimes have always legislated some form of realism. – Russell Smith
Burt Bacharach I was blown away by the standing ovation. I’ve had tributes before, sure, but I don’t retain that feeling, and I wasn’t prepared for it on Tuesday. But maybe you shouldn’t retain these things or you’d be on a permanent high. – Burt Bacharach
Nick Clegg For far too long the world’s poorest people have seen no benefit from the vast natural resources in their own backyards. It is time to end the injustice where ordinary people are silent witnesses, left to suffer without basic services, as the profits from their countries’ assets are hidden and plundered by corrupt regimes. – Nick Clegg
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