Brigham Young I don’t care whether the people believe me to be a prophet, seer, or revelator or not – I have been very profitable to this people, and I have seen a good many things, and I have revealed many things. – Brigham Young Care Quotes People Quotes Profitable Quotes Prophet Quotes Revealed Quotes Revelator Quotes Seer Quotes In the adversity of our best friends we often find something that does not displease us. Produce what you consume; draw from the native element the necessaries of life. Permit no vitiated taste to lead you into the indulgence of expensive luxuries, which can only be obtained by involving yourselves in debt.
Kevin Kwan I remembered that my grandfather had spent his teenage years in Shanghai and that he went back after he finished medical school to work there in a hospital. So I went back into my family archives and was able to find out his exact address; it was a street that was in the French Concession. – Kevin Kwan
Louis C K My kids are really easy. I often worry that they’re too easy to deal with. They’re really nice people. – Louis C K
Joey Kramer I’m really into the love thing. When I relate to my guys in the band, I tell them where it’s at, and if I feel like telling somebody that I love them, I do. – Joey Kramer
Arsene WengerArt Football is an art, like dancing is an art – but only when it’s well done does it become an art. – Arsene Wenger
David Steward Tom Wall has the unique ability to extract, cultivate and realize a vision that goes far beyond simple bricks and mortar. He has an amazing appreciation of art and beauty and his designs begin with listening to his clients. – David Steward
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