Britt Ekland I’m very organised these days, and I keep my life in my handbag, like most women. – Britt Ekland Days Quotes Handbag Quotes Life Quotes Organised Quotes Women Quotes My father had his own business, a clothing store, which he inherited from his father. He travelled abroad frequently and was quite extravagant, so we had skiing holidays and summer holidays on the beach. I love luxury, I love the high life, and I have to foot the bills – I have received practically nothing from my marriages and relationships.
Junior dos Santos I don’t pick opponents. I don’t care about who I’m going to fight. – Junior dos Santos
Steve Nash I am a huge believer in giving back and helping out in the community and the world. Think globally, act locally I suppose. I believe that the measure of a person’s life is the affect they have on others. – Steve Nash
Kabir Khan Kabul Express’ was very autobiographical but ‘New York’ is a wider and much larger journey. Though it has been drawn from my experiences that I’ve seen and observed during 9/11, as I was there when it happened, it is not autobiographical at all. – Kabir Khan
Andrew Santino I think the fundamental issue with comedians is everyone wants to be a famous comedian. That’s a really difficult thing to achieve in comedy. – Andrew Santino
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