Caitlin Flanagan Girls are the best readers in the world. Reading is really a way of kind of escaping so deeply into yourself and pursuing your own thoughts within the construct of a story. – Caitlin Flanagan Construct Quotes Deeply Quotes Escaping Quotes Girls Quotes Pursuing Quotes Readers Quotes Reading Quotes Story Quotes Girls are really looking to places that have limits and boundaries: where adults are the adults and there are rules, and where they feel safe. If you’re a writer, you just keep following the path – keep going deeper and deeper into the things that interest you.
Future I ain’t giving up on myself, so if you give up on me, I ain’t got nothing else to say for you. – Future
Fabio Lanzoni I like to make other people feel good, and if receiving my autograph brings them a little bit of pleasure, then I’m so glad to do it. – Fabio Lanzoni
Robin Marantz Henig The music that was popular in your youth seems to be the music you recall most vividly – and most nostalgically – for the rest of your life. But so is the music that was popular in your parents’ youth. – Robin Marantz Henig
Daniel Goleman Well, any effort to maximize your potential and ability is a good thing. – Daniel Goleman
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