Cafu What impresses me most is Bastian Schweinsteiger. He is a complete player who has been an enormous help to his team, Bayern. – Cafu Bastian Quotes Bayern Quotes Complete Quotes Enormous Quotes Impresses Quotes Player Quotes Schweinsteiger Quotes Team Quotes Ronaldinho is a phenomenon, and so is Cafu! I am twice World champion and led Brazil to a World Cup triumph in 2002. Thank God Brazilian goalkeepers are now learning to play with their feet, because that was the big problem.
Jeff Tweedy I like making songs up. Whether or not they’re great songs or good songs, whatever. It’s something I’ve always done, and I definitely feel like I’ve gotten better at it. – Jeff Tweedy
Lynn Nottage Intimate Apparel’ is a lyrical meditation on one woman’s loneliness and desire. ‘Fabulation’ is a very fast-paced play of the MTV generation. – Lynn Nottage
Jose Mourinho I give a lot of instruction in training. It’s difficult for me to do the same in matches, so I need guys on the pitch to read the game, to understand what we want. – Jose Mourinho
Cat Power We’re always going to remind ourselves of our mistakes and how we do things differently, trying to be a better person or whatever. – Cat Power
Carey Williams Youth is that period when a young boy knows everything but how to make a living. – Carey Williams
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