Camryn Manheim Waiting, waiting, waiting. All my life, I’ve been waiting for my life to begin, as if somehow my life was ahead of me, and that someday I would arrive at it. – Camryn Manheim Arrive Quotes Life Quotes Waiting Quotes I don’t even like to be naked in front of myself! My parents have always been offended by my weight, embarrassed maybe. It didn’t fit with their sensibilities.
Benny Fine In a pre-YouTube world, and in the beginning of the YouTube world, it was more personality-based and centered around very simple content. – Benny Fine
Boyan Slat It was a long journey, but it was also a relief to see that first plastic being caught. – Boyan Slat
Seth Berkley Now, when you get a viral infection, what normally happens is it takes days or weeks for your body to fight back at full strength, and that might be too late. When you’re pre-immunized, what happens is you have forces in your body pre-trained to recognize and defeat specific foes. So that’s really how vaccines work. – Seth Berkley
Samin Nosrat Very early in my culinary career, while helping another cook prepare the staff meal, I stirred some chopped raw garlic and herbs into a bowl of leftover lentils. The atonement for this sin was so extreme that I’ve never repeated it: After being chastised, I spent the next 20 minutes fishing out the minuscule pieces of garlic. – Samin Nosrat
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