Cara Delevingne I treat the camera like a person – I gaze into it. Photos are a flat thing, and you need to put life into them. – Cara Delevingne Camera Quotes Flat Quotes Gaze Quotes Life Quotes Person Quotes Photos Quotes Treat Quotes I wanted to be a Disney Channel star! I wanted to be Hannah Montana. I’m a world class Beat Boxer; you should hear the noises I can make with my mouth.
Bela Bartok In art there are only fast or slow developments. Essentially it is a matter of evolution, not revolution. – Bela Bartok
Anoushka Shankar There is no everlasting power in the music of today. Everyone is running after record sales. – Anoushka Shankar
GloZell Somehow, this child is gonna show me what to do, because I thought maybe I’ll grow up by then, but no. I still just want to play around in my Crocs and tutus, so I don’t know. – GloZell
Carole KingMusicTruth All I needed to do was sing with conviction, speaking my truth from the heart, honestly and straightforwardly, and to offer my words, ideas and music to the audience as if it were one collective friend that I’d known for a very long time. – Carole King
Alexandra Petri Once, as my New Year’s Resolution, I telephoned the Extenze Male Enhancement hotline every day for a month. – Alexandra Petri
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