Carl Andre Every time you work, you have to do it all over again, to rid yourself of this dross. I suppose for a person who is not an artist or not attempting art, it is not dross, because it is the common exchange of everyday life. – Carl Andre Art Quotes Artist Quotes Attempting Quotes Common Quotes Dross Quotes Everyday Quotes Exchange Quotes Life Quotes Person Quotes Rid Quotes Suppose Quotes Time Quotes My art springs from my desire to have things in the world which would otherwise never be there. My art will reflect not necessarily conscious politics but the unanalysed politics of my life.
David Bailey My friends are all megalomaniacs – from Damien Hirst to Jack Nicholson – all of them. – David Bailey
Michael Chandler It really has been just take it one day a time, one fight at a time, one training camp at a time, one year at a time. – Michael Chandler
Stanley Hauerwas The British, I have discovered, assume that Americans are more religious than they are. – Stanley Hauerwas
Lisa Snowdon Americans love our shoes and us Brits love that we can always pick up a bargain when in the US. – Lisa Snowdon
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