Casey Neistat I don’t drink much soda; I don’t buy Big Gulps, and my body mass index is right where it should be. – Casey Neistat Body Quotes Drink Quotes Gulps Quotes Mass Quotes Soda Quotes If New Yorkers reduced portion size to 16 ounces from 20 ounces for one sugary drink every two weeks, it would collectively save approximately 2.3 million pounds over one year. I took my iPod to the Apple store here in Manhattan and asked them to replace the battery. And they explained to me that Apple does not offer a service to replace the battery in the iPod, and my best bet was to buy a new iPod.
John Piper If a tornado twists at 175 miles an hour and stays on the ground like a massive lawnmower for 50 miles, God gave the command. – John Piper
Halsey I’m a human, and I’m multidimensional. If I was the perfect form of anything, I’d be boring. If I was a free spirit all the time, I would be boring; I would lack depth. If I was dark and enigmatic all the time, then I would lack relatability. – Halsey
Charlotte Dujardin The sport is about finding the horses. But to find another Valegro is impossible. – Charlotte Dujardin
Jake Johnson My big break was really Liz Meriwether saw me in a movie called ‘Paper Heart’ and really liked it, and then saw me in a movie called ‘Ceremony’ because she knew Max Winkler and said, ‘I want you to be in ‘No Strings Attached,’ but you gotta audition for it.’ From that it was easier for her to get me in ‘New Girl.’ – Jake Johnson
Morris Gleitzman It’s our potential for good stuff I’m most interested in exploring, but that has most meaning when juxtaposed with things that can go wrong. – Morris Gleitzman
DatingRashida Jones Well, dating has become a sport and not about finding the person you love. – Rashida Jones
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