Cathleen Schine For women, World War II had offered an opportunity, and often the necessity, to get out of the house to work. – Cathleen Schine House Quotes Necessity Quotes Offered Quotes Opportunity Quotes War Quotes Women Quotes Good TV is not just TV about good behavior. Anyone who has read a Trollope novel knows that women did not have to wait until 1960 to feel trapped.
Kat Timpf The bottom line is, our law enforcement is tasked with protecting us from harm – not with creating it by levying penalties for ‘offenses’ that present no real risk to anyone. – Kat Timpf
Henry Paulson Foreclosure is to no one’s benefit. I’ve heard estimates that mortgage investors lose 40 to 50 percent on their investment if it goes into foreclosure. – Henry Paulson
Lydia Millet There has to be space for play in literature. We all need some breathing room. – Lydia Millet
Eckhard Pfeiffer The goal, as Compaq has stated all along in its history, is to support an open industry standard. – Eckhard Pfeiffer
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