Charles Francis Richter Don’t wait for extraordinary circumstance to do good; try to use ordinary situations. – Charles Francis Richter Circumstance Quotes Extraordinary Quotes Ordinary Quotes Situations Quotes Wait Quotes As seismologists gained more experience from earthquake records, it became obvious that the problem could not be reduced to a single peak acceleration. In fact, a full frequency of vibrations occurs. Logarithmic plots are a device of the devil.
Harley Quinn Smith My dad has actually really influenced me musically. I have a weird love for ’80s and ’90s music. A lot of people are like, ‘Are you serious? It’s so lame.’ But my dad always plays that in the car whenever we’re together. – Harley Quinn Smith
Marlon Wayans I don’t want there to be this separation between the rich and poor. I may be part of the three percent because I’ve been fortunate and done well for myself, but I will never forget about the 97 percent. That was me growing up. I was so poor I dreamt about being just ‘regular poor,’ not ‘poor, poor.’ – Marlon Wayans
BirthdayChris Sullivan James Gunn runs his set like a 12-year-old’s birthday party. Every day, he is so excited to come to work. – Chris Sullivan
Ellyse Perry One of my favourite parts of training is doing it with Dad in the local nets. When I do that, I feel like a kid again. We never argue. He has to put up with some bad moods from me when I’m not hitting it as I’d like. He’s very placid. He’s not a pushy parent at all. – Ellyse Perry
Ed Westwick I feel like you just need to keep writing until the writing itself just begins to take shape. – Ed Westwick
Kate Bernheimer As I read more and more fairy tales as an adult, I found massive collusion between their ‘subjects’ and those in my fiction: childhood, nature, sexuality, transformation. I realized that it wasn’t by accident that I was drawn to their narrative structure and motifs. – Kate Bernheimer
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