Charlie Haden I always told the people at Cal Arts that if they wanted me to do Jazz studies, first of all, there couldn’t be a big band within 500 miles and that I could do what I wanted to do. And they said I could. – Charlie Haden Arts Quotes Band Quotes Cal Quotes Jazz Quotes Miles Quotes People Quotes Studies Quotes Told Quotes There’s like a special group of people that come from different parts of the planet to study with me. It’s nice. I just gave a workshop in Boston at the New England Conservatory, which was really nice. James Cotton is a real blues guy, and he played with Muddy Waters, and it surprised me that they would want me to make a record with them, that he called me to do this record. I’d never done anything like that before. But I love blues, so I was very happy.
Mj Rodriguez Sometimes I feel like my life is at risk. It doesn’t matter if I’m famous or not. My life is as much at risk as other women. – Mj Rodriguez
Peter Ueberroth A cloud hangs over baseball. It’s a cloud called drugs and it’s permeated our game. – Peter Ueberroth
Saffron Burrows I play the guitar. This year at the Sundance film festival, I joined the band from ‘The Guitar’ on stage. We warmed up for Patti Smith, and then the director Michel Gondry got on the drums to play some songs from the soundtrack to his film Be Kind Rewind with Mos Def. It was pretty mad. – Saffron Burrows
Graham Taylor You go to Holland, France, Germany, every community, the tiniest village, they have magnificent, pristine sports facilities. – Graham Taylor
Geneva Carr I’ve lived in 11 states, but I’m not an Army brat. My father couldn’t hold a job, so every six months, we’d move. – Geneva Carr
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