Charlotte Caffey We’re really funny, focused, and we put on a great live show. – Charlotte Caffey Focused Quotes Funny Quotes Live Quotes I’ve lived kind of a sad-happy life. It’s like, every time you take a breath, it’s heavy, but on the outside you’re like a clown family traveling along the universe. To all musicians – forget gender – to all musicians, it’s about – do what makes you happy. Just go for it, you know?
Angeles Mastretta I do write to be loved; I speak so that I am loved; I work for love; I live with others so that they may love me, and so that I can love them. For me, this is very important, and many, or all, of my relationships are based on that. – Angeles Mastretta
Molly Qerim I feel for people with crazy names. It’s been a challenge, but if that’s my struggle, I can live with it. – Molly Qerim
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