Chris Bohjalian My wife and I would be very comfortable having a baby at home or using one of the terrific nurse-midwives at the hospital. – Chris Bohjalian Baby Quotes Comfortable Quotes Hospital Quotes Nursemidwives Quotes Terrific Quotes Wife Quotes If you are stymied as a writer, if it’s just not coming together, then take the pressure off and don’t feel that you need to write 1,000 words today; just write one really good sentence. I loved all ghost stories. So I guess it was only a matter of time before I wrote one.
Kent McCord A policeman, as you discover, has to put up with a hell of a lot of abuse. A man in any other line of work would nail a guy who laid that kind of abuse on him. I know I would. – Kent McCord
BusinessRupert MurdochTechnology Societies or companies that expect a glorious past to shield them from the forces of change driven by advancing technology will fail and fall. That applies as much to my own, the media industry, as to every other business on the planet. – Rupert Murdoch
Phil Anselmo I love the Beatles, and when I was very young, I had young parents, so Led Zeppelin and Janis Joplin and Jimi Hendrix and the Beatles constantly were big influences on my life. – Phil Anselmo
Anna Pavlova When a small child, I thought that success spelled happiness. I was wrong, happiness is like a butterfly which appears and delights us for one brief moment, but soon flits away. – Anna Pavlova
Ian Harding My life is one that I’ve aimed for – I’ve always wanted to be an actor who worked in film and television and was able to provide for himself and his family. – Ian Harding
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