Chris Hughton When the game is played by such a high percentage of black and ethnic minority players and we’re looking at the percentage of managers and coaches, at the top level it is minimal. – Chris Hughton Black Quotes Coaches Quotes Ethnic Quotes Game Quotes Level Quotes Managers Quotes Minimal Quotes Minority Quotes Percentage Quotes Played Quotes Players Quotes All we want eventually to see is more black and ethnic coaches involved at the higher levels of the game. Anything that promotes that is something very much worthwhile. Racism doesn’t go overnight. It’s over a period of time and education.
FitnessMassimiliano Allegri I’ve always said that to win the Champions League, you need to reach a certain stage in good form and with good fitness levels. – Massimiliano Allegri
Dennis DeYoung Over the years, I thought many times about how my life would have changed if I had been drafted and Styx never had happened. Even if I hadn’t been wounded or emotionally scarred, it would have changed my whole timetable. – Dennis DeYoung
John Lee Hooker The one thing the blues don’t get is the backing and pushing of TV and radio like a lot of this garbage you hears. They choke stuff down people’s throat so they got no choice but to listen to it. – John Lee Hooker
Colin Kaepernick We have a presidential candidate who’s deleted emails and done things illegally and is a presidential candidate. That doesn’t make sense to me, because if that was any other person, you’d be in prison. So what is this country really standing for? – Colin Kaepernick
Norman BramanSports I went through a significant illness in 1991 and had some major surgery, and I made up my mind that I have to get my life in order, and the first thing that I would try to accomplish was to get out of the sports business. – Norman Braman
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