Chris Kamara Football’s about winning and I’m a winner, but you also have to set standards and entertain people. – Chris Kamara Entertain Quotes Footballs Quotes People Quotes Set Quotes Standards Quotes Winner Quotes Winning Quotes I’ve always thought it was a beautiful game and that the ball should be passed around. I also believe you can create goalmouth excitement without resorting to the long-ball game. My only regret is that I didn’t play for Howard Wilkinson earlier. I would have achieved more and played even longer if I had.
Stephanie Beacham I took some classes in sign language when I was in my early teens because I was told that I would be completely deaf very early. But I never really wanted to learn. – Stephanie Beacham
RelationshipTony Judt In the grip of a neurological disorder, I am fast losing control of words even as my relationship with the world has been reduced to them. – Tony Judt
Javed Ali If I’m given a choice to pick what I am interested in, I will definitely sing a ghazal for a movie. – Javed Ali
Bonnie Langford I love Monet: his ‘Water Lilies’ would look great on my wall. But would I prefer to see money helping kids get better from cancer rather than spending it on a work of art for my own personal indulgence? Yes, I probably would. – Bonnie Langford
Hozier I’m influenced a lot by Nina Simone, Stevie Wonder, even Paul Weller – Billie Holiday as well: People who wrote and sang songs that were reflective of their times. I quite like that. I quite admire that. – Hozier
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