Clifton Fadiman Gertrude Stein was masterly in making nothing happen very slowly. – Clifton Fadiman Gertrude Quotes Happen Quotes Masterly Quotes Slowly Quotes Stein Quotes Experience teaches you that the man who looks you straight in the eye, particularly if he adds a firm handshake, is hiding something. As between mileage and experience choose experience.
Louis Tomlinson Zayn’s good to just sit down and chat to about pretty much anything. At the end of the night, we just sit around and talk about our life before One Direction, or anything at all, really. – Louis Tomlinson
Jeff Kinney It seems that when anything aimed at kids catches on, it causes the collective antennae of the older set to go up. – Jeff Kinney
Paul Rand There’s a certain kind of research you have to listen to – the factual stuff, not opinion. Facts are facts. Sugar is sweet – it’s not a matter of opinion. It just is. – Paul Rand
David Einhorn Investing in a poker game and investing in stocks, at least the way I do it, it’s a very similar skillset. – David Einhorn
Peter Cetera The rut I was in with the people that I had been previously been with it took the heart right out of me. – Peter Cetera
MedicalRajkumar Hirani A lot of medical problems are solved if doctors are nice to patients. If you can make them think positive, you may not need medication. – Rajkumar Hirani
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