Clive Thompson If you, or any public-spirited programmer, wanted to figure out what the software on your machine is really doing, tough luck. It’s illegal to reverse engineer the source code of commercial software to find out how it works. – Clive Thompson Code Quotes Commercial Quotes Engineer Quotes Figure Quotes Illegal Quotes Luck Quotes Machine Quotes Programmer Quotes Publicspirited Quotes Reverse Quotes Software Quotes Source Quotes Tough Quotes No consumer product improves more drastically, year after year, than the computer. Software is now so complex – requiring so many gazillions of tiny files all over your computer – that most consumers don’t want to bother to know what’s really going on.
James Comey Some believe that the FBI has these phenomenal capabilities to access any information at any time – that we can get what we want, when we want it, by flipping some sort of switch. It may be true in the movies or on TV. It is simply not the case in real life. – James Comey
Michael Beschloss Kissinger’s monopoly on this historical record has driven many scholars to distraction. Groups of lawyers, scholars, journalists and archivists have used pronunciamento, lawsuit, and other crowbars in a usually vain effort to open Kissinger’s Library of Congress cache. – Michael Beschloss
Macaulay Culkin It drives me crazy when your parents try to read your mind. It’s even worse when they try to read your mail. – Macaulay Culkin
Eli Drake After 4 years with Impact Wrestling, some ups, some downs, I would like to thank them for the overall great experience. – Eli Drake
Paul Giamatti I’m pretty easy to get along with on set, but I’m probably hard on myself. – Paul Giamatti
Ruth Negga I auditioned for ‘Loving’ two years before we started shooting, so in the hopes that I would be playing Mildred, I watched it again. Also it’s one of the best documentaries I’ve seen. I found this couple interminably fascinating; even if I didn’t get the part, I just wanted to know more about them and their story. – Ruth Negga
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