Constance Baker Motley We African Americans have now spent the major part of the 20th Century battling racism. – Constance Baker Motley African Quotes Americans_ Quotes Battling Quotes Century Quotes Major Quotes Racism Quotes Spent Quotes When Thurgood Marshall became a lawyer, race relations in the United States were particularly bad. The fact is that racism, despite all the doomsayers, has diminished.
Jonathan Raymond Why do I have an issue with banks? They have their greedy fingers in everyone’s money. No other industry has the power to deduct a bill or fees directly from your own bank account without so much as a notice. – Jonathan Raymond
Rory O'Malley Every actor who’s been around long enough knows that when something bad happens in this business, it’s always for a reason. Really, the hardest part is waiting to find out what the reason is. – Rory O’Malley
Leigh Bardugo I don’t like writing grand battles and I find it tiresome to research weapons development and military strategy. – Leigh Bardugo
D J Cotrona Not a ‘Mad Men’ guy. Never got into it. I’m kind of a contrarian that way. If something gets too popular too fast before I can get on it, I just get really annoyed. Everybody tells me I’m an idiot; it’s supposed to be amazing. I saw some of the second season; I loved it, but I was just detached. I didn’t get into it. – D J Cotrona
Donny Osmond This whole head of the home thing has been blown way out of proportion. Some guys just take it way too far. Some parents take it way too far. Yet children need guidance. They need a parent to help and guide them. They also need a friend. They need a confidant. – Donny Osmond
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