Cy Twombly It’s absurd to talk about paintings that you haven’t finished. – Cy Twombly Absurd Quotes Finished Quotes Paintings Quotes Talk Quotes I was brought up to think you don’t talk about yourself. I look at a lot of artists. I’m inspired by – I suppose I shouldn’t say ‘inspired,’ but it’s not really influenced. I am inspired. Art comes from art.
MomMonica Lewinsky I was worried about my mom more than I was worried about the president. And then I was worried about the president, and then I was worried about myself. – Monica Lewinsky
Helena BlavatskyReligion It is, then, by those shadows of the hoary Past and their fantastic silhouettes on the external screen of every religion and philosophy, that we can, by checking them as we go along, and comparing them, trace out finally the body that produced them. – Helena Blavatsky
Salman Khan People in the film industry always want to save for a rainy day. Many early actors died in small houses with no money, and so they are insecure. My advantage is I don’t value money that much. It’s an easy thing for me to let go. – Salman Khan
Chris Gardner Racism is not new. It was not invented just for you. So get bigger than that stuff. – Chris Gardner
David Lynch The greatest thing my father left me was a love for cutting wood – my love for sawing, especially pine wood. – David Lynch
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