Dan Brown I remember devouring the entire Hardy Boys series over one summer, enthralled by their bravery and cleverness. – Dan Brown Boys Quotes Bravery Quotes Cleverness Quotes Devouring Quotes Enthralled Quotes Entire Quotes Hardy Quotes Remember Quotes Series Quotes Summer Quotes Futurists don’t consider overpopulation one of the issues of the future. They consider it the issue of the future. If you believe the people who love you, you get lazy. And if you believe the people who hate you, you become… maybe intimidated, or whatever the word might be, and you don’t write as well.
Rick Mercer On my job I end up jumping out of planes. Last week I got in an 18-wheeler and drove down a runway onto a skid track. The week before that they put me in a car and sunk me to the bottom of a lake to see if I could escape without an oxygen tank. – Rick Mercer
Miranda Devine In a contest between Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden, there’s no comparison. Anyone in the world who cares about freedom wants to pull for the American president. The problem is Biden gives us so little to work with. – Miranda Devine
Ben Mendelsohn I think now there’s much more of a confessional culture. That’s not my bag. I come from a slightly older school of thought: ‘give ’em nothin.’ You don’t plead guilty. – Ben Mendelsohn
Morley Safer Kids’ views are often just as valid as the teachers’. The best teachers are the ones that know that. – Morley Safer
Nuno Bettencourt With any success, there will always be a little bit of a negative. – Nuno Bettencourt
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