Daniel Mallory Ortberg I’m really not a journalist, and I don’t do a ton of newsy pieces. Occasionally I’ll write about something that’s going on recently, but I really don’t do a ton of stuff that’s tied to current events. – Daniel Mallory Ortberg Current Quotes Events Quotes Journalist Quotes Newsy Quotes Occasionally Quotes Pieces Quotes Stuff Quotes Tied Quotes Ton Quotes Write Quotes In my final year of attending a Christian sports camp in rural Missouri, the year before I started high school, they began to offer an elective Bible study group for young Christians who wanted a chance to read in the afternoons instead of learn to water-ski. I’m on Twitter a lot of the day because I really like Twitter. It’s great for jokes. But when I’m writing, I can’t do anything else. I can’t even listen to music. I just have to write, and then I can do something else. I can’t multitask.
Michael Carbonaro The goal is to really blur the line. Can you perform a magic trick in a way that someone doesn’t think it’s a magic trick but is something amazing they haven’t seen before? Then they have to wrestle with reality. – Michael Carbonaro
Amanda Holden People have been able to see that as cheeky and as flirty as I am, I am not the dreadful slapper that the press used to portray me as. But it will probably all turn around and people will hate me again in a couple of years. – Amanda Holden
Robert Pires When I joined Arsenal in 2000 I learned a lot from Dennis Bergkamp. He was the mind of the team and he made things look easy. – Robert Pires
Carol Bellamy I think tremendous change has taken place since the World Summit for Children in 1990. – Carol Bellamy
Megan Mullally At first, people were like, ‘I’ve discovered something – you guys are married!’ I was like, ‘Yeah, that’s not a secret. We’ve been married now already for many years.’ – Megan Mullally
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