Darren Bent I went to Tottenham ‘cos I wanted to push myself and to improve, and I’m doing that. – Darren Bent Cos Quotes Improve Quotes Push Quotes Tottenham Quotes After I scored my first goal for England, against Switzerland, when I turned up for the next game, against Denmark, that was the first time I thought, ‘I belong here now.’ At Ipswich it was just the start of my career, then when I moved to Charlton I was given the No.10.
Paolo Gentiloni We always have to remember that we, the Italians, have always cooperated with the U.S., and with Reagan and Carter and Nixon and Clinton, Bush and Obama. And Trump, Trump is the American-elected president. So, cooperation is there. – Paolo Gentiloni
Jean-Claude Van Damme Karate’s a very boring sport, but when you know the technique you can go further and further. – Jean-Claude Van Damme
Sonia Sotomayor I don’t believe we should bend the Constitution under any circumstance. It says what it says. We should do honor to it. – Sonia Sotomayor
EducationJrPhilippe CousteauScience The fundamental essence of science, which I think we’ve lost in our education system, is poking something with a stick and seeing what happens. Embrace that process of inquiry. – Philippe Cousteau, Jr
Ava Gardner I go on tremendous health kicks – exercise, yogurt, no booze. Of course, I smoke too much. – Ava Gardner
David Cohen Because one of the main jobs of a CEO is to set the vision and strategy for the company, I’m a big believer in making one of the founders the default CEO. – David Cohen
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