Daryl Davis They’ve changed the name from white supremacy to white separatists, to white nationalists, to alt-right. It’s the same thing. A rose by any other name is still a rose. – Daryl Davis Altright Quotes Changed Quotes Nationalists Quotes Rose Quotes Separatists Quotes Supremacy Quotes White Quotes I don’t have any brothers and sisters, so I always relied on my parents to guide me or answer questions. My parents were U.S. Foreign Service, so I spent a lot of time you know, overseas in various countries around the world, you know, I was an American Embassy brat and today, as a professional musician, I travel all over this country and around the world.
Aisling Bea You can use your womb if you want – it’s the most beautiful thing to do if you want – but it’s not our only reason to be put on this earth. – Aisling Bea
Edgar Ramirez The reality is that not only were we massively hit in 2008 when the bubble burst, and then we realized how deep the social gap, the economic gap in the world is between the super rich and the poor; also, we realized how impacted the environment has been. So there’s been a physical consequence of that. – Edgar Ramirez
Sam Jaeger I think, doing a first film, at some point you get halfway through, and you wonder, ‘Is this is good enough to define who I am for the coming decade?’ – Sam Jaeger
Stacey Abrams We must use words to uplift and include. We can use our words to fight back against oppression and hate. But we must also channel our words into action. – Stacey Abrams
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