David Blunkett Nothing is more important for young people than enhancing their life chances, liberating their potential and encouraging their contribution to a globally competitive and modern economy. – David Blunkett Chances Quotes Competitive Quotes Contribution Quotes Economy Quotes Encouraging Quotes Enhancing Quotes Globally Quotes Liberating Quotes Life Quotes Modern Quotes People Quotes Potential Quotes We need to build on what we know works – local oversight of schools to keep a check on performance, timely interventions in schools to support those at risk of failing, and partnerships between schools to help each one to improve. I’m in favour of a sensible development of response units and their deployment in any circumstance where there may be a risk to the officers themselves or the neighbourhood they’re in. I’m not in favour of a blanket arming of the police.
AngerApollonius of Tyana A man must fortify himself and understand that a wise man who yields to laziness or anger or passion or love of drink, or who commits any other action prompted by impulse and inopportune, will probably find his fault condoned; but if he stoops to greed, he will not be pardoned, but render himself odious as a combination of all vices at once. – Apollonius of Tyana
Aleksey Igudesman Classical music is something that we’re very passionate about, but we always thought it was presented in a stuffy way. – Aleksey Igudesman
John Hodgman I am amused by cricket because it seems to take longer than baseball and I like that. It seems like a sport I could have made up it – it takes several days to play and everyone wears sweaters. I can’t confess to knowing what’s going on at all. – John Hodgman
JrRoy Blount A good heavy book holds you down. It’s an anchor that keeps you from getting up and having another gin and tonic. – Roy Blount, Jr
Boyd Rice My impression, is that prayer is one of the most basic forms of magic. That it’s harnessing the powers of your mind. – Boyd Rice
Robert Scoble This is what Steve Jobs understood: Brands are defined not by the best thing on the product but by the worst thing. – Robert Scoble
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