David Cone I love to pitch so much. – David Cone Love Quotes Pitch Quotes I love being out there on the mound with the ball in my hand. I can control the game. I’m out there. No clock – nothing happens until I throw that thing. Nothing happens. I love that feeling. I have far too many skeletons in my closet to think about any sort of serious mention of public office.
Claire McCaskill Do I want Social Security to be there for my kids and my grandkids? Absolutely. Will I fight like a tiger to make sure that we protect Social Security? I absolutely will. – Claire McCaskill
Don Cheadle The fun for me is to mix it all up. I would actually like to do something as far away from what I’ve just done, just for my own personal joy and growth, for what I want to do. – Don Cheadle
Brad Schneider Illinois has commonsense regulations on concealed carry permits. For example, if you had two or more D.U.I.’s within five years, within the past five years, you do not have the right in Illinois to obtain a concealed weapons permit. – Brad Schneider
Geoff Dyer If you just take me as a fiction writer, then you’re probably going to find me fairly limited. – Geoff Dyer
CoolLauren Conrad I’m obsessed with the 1920s, everything from the style to the lifestyle. It was a really cool era. – Lauren Conrad
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