David Gerrold Doesn’t anybody ever want to talk about anything else besides ‘Star Trek?’ There were 79 episodes of the series; there were 55 different writers. I was only one of them. – David Gerrold Episodes Quotes Series Quotes Star Quotes Talk Quotes Trek Quotes Writers Quotes Star Trek’ is the McDonald’s of science fiction; it’s fast food storytelling. Every problem is like every other problem. They all get solved in an hour. Nobody ever gets hurt, and nobody needs to care. You give up an hour of your time, and you don’t really have to get involved. It’s all plastic. You have a billion people who know ‘Tribbles’ and only half a million who know my novel ‘The Man Who Folded Himself,’ which is one of my better-known books.
Ma Jun We haven’t seen the turning point yet, but we’re sticking to our bottom line, for the environment and the health of the country. – Ma Jun
George Crook It may be, however, that I am too much wedded to my own views in the matter, and as I have spent nearly eight years of the hardest work of my life in this department, I respectfully request that I may now be relieved from its command. – George Crook
Steve-O I don’t think I’m a gay icon. I have no axe to grind. I mean, I’m clearly not homophobic! I’m not pro or con. – Steve-O
Beth Ditto I thought to be feminine was to give in to straight culture, or the beauty standard, but in my heart I had a flair for fashion and style. They were passions I kept secret because I didn’t understand I could love clothes and hair and makeup and still like girls. – Beth Ditto
Sophia Amoruso Every other fashion brand out there – including those that I call ‘competitors’ – are run by mostly old white men, and the customer knows it. – Sophia Amoruso
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