David James I am good value to my club and that makes me feel very proud. – David James Club Quotes Feel Quotes Appearance records are pretty special. Mine means a lot to me, not only because I love stats, but because it shows that I am fulfilling my contract. There tends to be a misguided, populist view about what makes a good goalkeeper. It is not just about making great saves; what Van der Sar brings to Man United’s game is not just shot stopping, but the way he controls the area and his unbelievable confidence in the relationship between him and his back line.
Alton Brown Recipe writers hate to write about heat. They despise it. Because there aren’t proper words for communicating what should be done with it. – Alton Brown
Chris Arreola I only care about myself and my family and this fight I’m gonna win for my family and for myself. – Chris Arreola
Charlotte Bronte The soul, fortunately, has an interpreter – often an unconscious, but still a truthful interpreter – in the eye. – Charlotte Bronte
Dietrich BonhoefferThankful Gratitude changes the pangs of memory into a tranquil joy. – Dietrich Bonhoeffer
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