David Lammy Mum worked nonstop, doing two, sometimes three, jobs throughout the 80s. – David Lammy Jobs Quotes Mum Quotes Nonstop Quotes Many single mothers do a heroic job looking after their children, as mine did with us; but as she found, it becomes twice as hard to set boundaries with half the number of parents.
Paul Keating A more worldly and competent foreign and defence policy is by far the preferred first line of defence – rather than the default position of relying on expensive but problematic hardware. – Paul Keating
Lewis Thomas Very few recognize science as the high adventure it really is, the wildest of all explorations ever taken by human beings, the chance to glimpse things never seen before, the shrewdest maneuver for discovering how the world works. – Lewis Thomas
Sarita Choudhury I live in New York. I go to dance class; I do theatre. When things are sent to me, if I like them, I push to do them. And I would absolutely love to do anything that’s part of my dad’s homeland. – Sarita Choudhury
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