David Liss I once spent a spent a summer selling encyclopedias door to door. – David Liss Door Quotes Encyclopedias Quotes Selling Quotes Spent Quotes Summer Quotes I don’t generally listen to music while working, but sometimes music can help me get past minor writer’s block. I lived in Atlanta for a couple of years while getting my masters at Georgia State. I thought I hated it at the time, but I’ve been back a couple of times since, and there’s no place I’ve lived to which returning is so much like visiting a place I only remember from my dreams.
Mallory Jansen Long hair, for me, is actually less maintenance. I went through a phase when I was kid where I wanted a pixie cut. At the time I thought it looked awesome, but I look back and I looked like such a dork! When I have short hair, I feel like I have to blow dry it, or it doesn’t sit properly. – Mallory Jansen
Jeremy Podeswa The best way I know to get good work out of people is to create a good environment so that people have a good experience. I try to always hold up my own end by being prepared. – Jeremy Podeswa
James Maddison The ball is just whipped off you in the Premier League. You have to maintain focus. – James Maddison
Charles DickensTime I never could have done what I have done without the habits of punctuality, order, and diligence, without the determination to concentrate myself on one subject at a time. – Charles Dickens
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