David Ogden Stiers Cogsworth, the character I did on ‘Beauty and the Beast,’ could be a bit flamboyant onscreen, because basically, he is a cartoon. But they didn’t want Cogsworth to become Disney’s gay character, because it got around a gay man was playing him. – David Ogden Stiers Basically Quotes Beast Quotes Beauty Quotes Bit Quotes Cartoon Quotes Character Quotes Cogsworth Quotes Disneys Quotes Flamboyant Quotes Gay Quotes Onscreen Quotes Playing Quotes I wish to spend my life’s twilight being just who I am. I could claim noble reasons as coming out in order to move gay rights forward, but I must admit it is for far more selfish reasons. Now is the time I wish to find someone, and I do not desire to force any potential partner to live a life of extreme discretion with me. A lot of my income has been derived from voicing Disney and family programming.
Peter C Doherty I share Alfred Nobel’s conviction that war is the greatest of all human disasters. Infectious disease runs a good second. – Peter C Doherty
Marcia Fudge In too many ways, Ohio is being run for the benefit of those who have already made it, and too many of our friends and neighbors are being left behind. Nowhere is this more evident than in the cuts to police officers, firefighters, nurses, teachers, and to our local schools, while property and sales taxes are going up. – Marcia Fudge
Carolyn Chute People who work in factories or in the woods or maybe a dairy farm – for years, I’ve been fascinated with people like that. No pretensions. They just live their lives. I found them beautiful. They were all I seemed to be interested in writing about. – Carolyn Chute
Bob Iger When you run the Walt Disney Co., you gain a fair amount of experience in customer-facing businesses, particularly in site-based entertainment. I have a lot of experience in marketing, a lot of experience in selling, particularly tickets to site-based entertainment or movies or whatever. – Bob Iger
NatureNiccolo Machiavelli To understand the nature of the people one must be a prince, and to understand the nature of the prince, one must be of the people. – Niccolo Machiavelli
John McLaughlin Interplay and interaction are the integral parts of music – they’re as important as the notes. – John McLaughlin
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