David Tennant The bad guys probably get the better lines, don’t they? And they wear less spandex. That would be quite good. – David Tennant Bad Quotes Guys Quotes Lines Quotes Spandex Quotes Wear Quotes Twitter! It’s like being stalked by committee! When you’re older, you want to be scared because you understand more where the boundaries between fantasy and reality are, and I suppose they are more blurred the younger you are.
Donatella Versace Let’s just say beauty inspires me. But I like all beauty – I think it really comes from the inside out. – Donatella Versace
Anthony Foxx As we look at a future where we’re going to have to double our freight capacity, how do you create a freight system that’s integrated across the country when you have 50 different freight systems that are built one state at a time? – Anthony Foxx
Alan Tudyk I’m just thinking I’m just like a normal actor who gets scripts, and I read them, and… if I enjoy reading them, then that’s what’s exciting, then I get excited about the audition or the project itself. – Alan Tudyk
Christina Milian I know that my dad not being in my life made a huge impact on me. – Christina Milian
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