Dean Rusk The usual cause of evil in the world is that at any given time half the people in the world are awake. – Dean Rusk Awake Quotes Evil Quotes People Quotes Time Quotes Usual Quotes While we are sleeping, two-thirds of the world is plotting to do us in. We were eyeball-to-eyeball and the other fellow just blinked.
Michael Michele Men don’t have to tiptoe around me – you can say anything and I won’t get offended. – Michael Michele
Dove Cameron I know that sounds dramatic, but shooting everything twice and going through the emotions of two different humans was crazy for me at 16. In terms of my career, that was something that really, really formed me. – Dove Cameron
Jeffrey Eugenides One of the reasons that art is important to me is sometimes it actually feels more coherent than life. It orders the chaos. – Jeffrey Eugenides
Andreas Antonopoulos What happens when an industry transitions from using one or more ‘smart’ and centralized networks to using a common, decentralized, open, and dumb network? A tsunami of innovation that was pent up for decades is suddenly released. – Andreas Antonopoulos
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