Denis Leary People saying, ‘Life didn’t turn out the way I wanted it to.’ Welcome to the club. I wanted to be the starting center-fielder for the Boston Red Sox, for chrissakes! – Denis Leary Boston Quotes Centerfielder Quotes Chrissakes Quotes Club Quotes Life Quotes People Quotes Red Quotes Sox Quotes Starting Quotes When I was a teenager, you couldn’t get straight pants. Then in ’76, when punk started to hit, it was a revelation that you could find straight pants again. We live in a country where John Lennon takes eight bullets, Yoko Ono is walking right beside him and not one hits her. Explain that to me!
Anita BrooknerFriendship Accountability in friendship is the equivalent of love without strategy. – Anita Brookner
EJ Johnson I’m having so much fun getting to play around with a lot of different looks, a lot of different outfits, a lot of motifs. – EJ Johnson
Kay Bailey Hutchison Our country was hit on 9/11, 2001. Everybody in the world knows that. It hasn’t been easy to deal with a different kind of enemy, but that is what we have, a different kind of enemy. – Kay Bailey Hutchison
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