Devendra Banhart When the Internet came along, the first thing I did was look up Wu-Tang so I could print out their symbol and glue it onto my skateboard. – Devendra Banhart Glue Quotes Internet Quotes Print Quotes Skateboard Quotes Symbol Quotes Wutang Quotes In the past, I had this open-door policy where everyone was invited. And that was awesome, but you end up releasing songs that you don’t really like and justifying it in your head. As anthropomorphic and surreal people have said my early writing was, to me it was really stock and almost banal in the sense that it was just description, the poetry of comparing: ‘Your feet are like A, and your eyes like B.’
Moshe Vardi We will hear more regrets from founders of tech companies about the addictive technologies they have launched. – Moshe Vardi
Ezra Furman God is close to the brokenhearted, and God lifts up the lonely. That was a message that was explicitly quoted to me and was part of my upbringing: Brokenhearted people and poor people and people who are in trouble should be your focus, and you should be on their team. – Ezra Furman
Paul Gilbert It took me years to get my hair right… after years of perms, conditioning… Nirvana came out and it wasn’t cool to have big hair anymore. It was just a horrible injustice. – Paul Gilbert
ChangeIntelligenceTabatha Coffey We should all feel confident in our intelligence. By the way, intelligence to me isn’t just being book-smart or having a college degree; it’s trusting your gut instincts, being intuitive, thinking outside the box, and sometimes just realizing that things need to change and being smart enough to change it. – Tabatha Coffey
Elizabeth Dole Let me be clear, Mr. President, mistakes have been made in Iraq. And this operation has been far from perfect as evidenced by the fact that Zarqawi and other terrorists continue to wreak havoc throughout Iraq. – Elizabeth Dole
Ory Okolloh Ninety percent of my mentors have been male, most of them with very little in common with me on a personal level – from life experience, work experience, backgrounds, etc. – Ory Okolloh
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