Dick Bruna I want a nice picture book with 12 pictures – I do my best with that format. – Dick Bruna Book Quotes Format Quotes Nice Quotes Picture Quotes Pictures Quotes But I don’t sit down and think: this is meant for children. When I make a book, I make it for the child and not for the parent – no jokes in it for the parents!
Irma S Rombauer The new ‘Joy’ was needed for a number of reasons. Recent developments in nutrition and new ingredients were two of the major reasons for the revision. One of the other big reasons was America’s new love for big flavors. Yay! – Irma S Rombauer
Ishita Dutta I have never planned in life. For me the medium is not important – what matters is the role. – Ishita Dutta
Greg Graffin I’ve known a lot of people who were punkers who went on to get academic degrees. Very few of them, however, continued their active role in the punk community. Most of them hung up their leather jacket when they did so. – Greg Graffin
Alesha Dixon I’ve not been anywhere in Central or South America before. The closest I’ve been is Cancun and Cabo in Mexico. But I think I’d love the culture, the sprit, and the energy of Brazil. – Alesha Dixon
John Ridley I’ve never been much of a European traveler. London once on a book tour, and Italy because that’s where Ferraris are from. That’s about it. – John Ridley
Charles C Mann Cash-strapped cities in nations from Argentina to Albania have begun to turn over their municipal water systems to Big Water, often under lease arrangements that can continue in force for decades. – Charles C Mann
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