Dieter F Uchtdorf Wherever you live on this earth, and whatever your life’s situation may be, I testify to you that the gospel of Jesus Christ has the divine power to lift you to great heights from what appears at times to be an unbearable burden or weakness. – Dieter F Uchtdorf Appears Quotes Burden Quotes Christ Quotes Divine Quotes Earth Quotes Gospel Quotes Heights Quotes Jesus Quotes Lifes Quotes Lift Quotes Live Quotes Power Quotes Situation Quotes Testify Quotes Times Quotes Unbearable Quotes Weakness Quotes The principles and doctrines of the priesthood are sublime and supernal. The more we study the doctrine and potential and apply the practical purpose of the priesthood, the more our souls will be expanded and our understanding enlarged, and we will see what the Lord has in store for us. We are created in the image of our heavenly parents; we are God’s spirit children. Therefore, we have a vast capacity for love – it is part of our spiritual heritage.
Peter Ackroyd Why should a novelist not also be a historian? To force unnatural divisions within the English language is to work against its capacious and accommodating nature. To expect a writer to produce only novels, or only histories, is equivalent to demanding from a composer that he or she write only string quartets or piano sonatas. – Peter Ackroyd
Lauren Myracle I’m always drawn to the underdogs, to the people whose stories don’t get told. – Lauren Myracle
Janet Fitch My father was an engineer – he wasn’t literary, not a writer or a journalist, but he was one of the world’s great readers. Every two weeks, he’d take me to our local branch library and pull books off the shelf for me, stacking them up in my arms – ‘Have you read this? And this? And this?’ – Janet Fitch
Caroline Lucas The billions being spent on Trident replacement would be much better spent on investing in developing the infrastructure we need for a zero-carbon economy, as well as in protecting public services. To use the money on a project that makes Britain and the world a far more dangerous place is politically irresponsible and economically obscene. – Caroline Lucas
Justin Chancellor When you’re getting older, you think about what you have to offer, and what’s the point of your life. – Justin Chancellor
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