Ella Mai As much as a lot of my music is very R&B, there’s a bounce to it that obviously makes it easier to perform live. It’s upbeat and uptempo. – Ella Mai Bounce Quotes Easier Quotes Live Quotes Lot Quotes Music Quotes Perform Quotes Rb Quotes Upbeat Quotes Uptempo Quotes I feel like everyone has been in a bitter situation, regardless whether it’s cheating or just not being over someone who is over you – you compare yourself to the next. I definitely believe that there are songs that, as artists, we don’t know the full potential.
Mike Schmidt That was one of the most comfortable things about leaving baseball was to leave the environment. It’s very much like a rock star existence – the nightlife, the hotels, lack of privacy… There’s a lot of temptations out there. It was nice getting away from it. – Mike Schmidt
Charles Jencks Beautiful people are always with us, as evolutionary psychologists and a trip to the news-stand confirm. – Charles Jencks
Elizabeth Flock Not every dollar spent to gain influence on Capitol Hill comes from a big global industrial behemoth. Hundreds of small advocacy groups and nonprofits spend thousands each year to lobby Congress and federal agencies on the issues they care about most, and their efforts often go under the radar. – Elizabeth Flock
Gary North Do you really believe that the Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory, plans to be a loser in history? – Gary North
Ashlan Gorse Cousteau The coral reef at Bonaire, one of the alphabet islands in the Caribbean, is so alive and healthy. – Ashlan Gorse Cousteau
Ben Gibbard I would much rather hear a song that’s written from a fresh perspective, using ideas that have existed in rock & roll for 50 years, than something that is incredibly abrasive to my ears but is new. – Ben Gibbard
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