Emmanuel Jal I’m rapping in English but in an African way. I’m not trying to sound like an American. – Emmanuel Jal African Quotes American Quotes English Quotes Rapping Quotes Sound Quotes When you see a Sudanese walking on the street, there is a story. There’s no pride in having been a child soldier.
Abigail Washburn In China, I realized that if you visit often enough and learn the language, you will be assimilated, but you’ll still be kept at arm’s length; you’ll always be looked on as a foreigner. – Abigail Washburn
Ralph Ransom Man was created as a being who should constantly keep improving, a being who on reaching one goal sets a higher one. – Ralph Ransom
Jonathan Scott Sometimes life takes you on unexpected paths, and those paths aren’t always in the same direction. – Jonathan Scott
Bianca Balti My favourite area of Milano is by the canons – I go to an authentic Italian restaurant around there on a Sunday for delicious food. – Bianca Balti
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