Evan Osnos There’s a reason the Chinese government is very concerned about Ai Weiwei. It’s because he has all of these ingredients in his life that allow him to attract enormous attention across a very broad spectrum of the population. – Evan Osnos Attention Quotes Attract Quotes Broad Quotes Chinese Quotes Concerned Quotes Enormous Quotes Government Quotes Ingredients Quotes Life Quotes Population Quotes Reason Quotes Spectrum Quotes Weiwei Quotes On some level, there’s a limit to what the government really worries about when it comes to a guy like Ai Weiwei, who’s talking to a limited audience of people. He’s talking to people who more or less already agree with him. There’s a tradition in the history of dissent in authoritarian countries of a certain kind of dissident, and their form of dissent is to live their lives as normally as possible.
Brady Jandreau I don’t think you’re very strong unless you’ve cried a few tears. You’ve never really lived. – Brady Jandreau
Jaron Lanier I’d much rather see a world where, when you make some quirky comment on a blog or news story or you upload a video clip, instead of just a moment of fame for your pseudonym, you’ll get 50 bucks. The first time that happens, you’ll realise that you’re a full-class citizen. You have the potential to make money from the system. – Jaron Lanier
Simi Garewal I got married at 27, within three months of knowing my ex-husband ong-distance. I knew the moment I’d done it, it won’t work. – Simi Garewal
Lee Hsien Loong My colleagues went on the Internet, went on Facebook, and they found it helpful, and they persuaded me that I should try, so I did. It’s quite fun provided you keep it in balance and… from time to time slip in a serious message. – Lee Hsien Loong
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