Fernando Torres Football is a team sport and not an individual sport. We win as a team, and every individual is better if we are part of the team. – Fernando Torres Football Quotes Individual Quotes Sport Quotes Team Quotes Win Quotes The things you cannot change you can’t waste your time on. My son is a Liverpool fan, and he was already kicking a ball before he was one. He was born in the football city; he had no choice.
Lou Sanders I write problems down on paper and then burn them. I suppose you could do that with physical possessions, too. You can burn anything you like, really. – Lou Sanders
Jonny Bairstow The great risk of being alive is always that something can happen to you – or to someone you dearly love – at any moment. – Jonny Bairstow
Allen Klein The tragedy of September 11th was so sudden, so enormous, and so horrendous, both in terms of lives lost and global consequences, that this country and the world went into immediate and prolonged shock. – Allen Klein
AnniversaryAva DuVernay I am honored to be one of this year’s Urbanworld ambassadors for the festival’s 20th anniversary, joining my friend David Oyelowo. I have always had a special relationship with Urbanworld, back to my days as a festival publicist to previewing my earlier films and now as an ambassador. – Ava DuVernay
Charles Kelley We love all kinds of music: We love pop music, we love rock music, we love R & B and country, and we just pull from all our influences. So I don’t really take offense as long as people are coming out to the shows and buying the records and becoming fans of the music. At the end of the day, the music is what’s gonna speak to you. – Charles Kelley
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