Flavor Flav I just want to show the world it’s never too late to get your diploma, and show kids they should stay in school and not wait until you’re old to get it. – Flavor Flav Diploma Quotes Kids Quotes Late Quotes School Quotes Stay Quotes Wait Quotes Definitely, I think I’m a life coach for real. The lessons I give are lessons you can take to the bank. Queen Latifah used to help me out with my kids, because while we were all out on tour – Public Enemy, Naughty By Nature, Queen Latifah, Heavy D – when Public Enemy went onstage, I didn’t have anybody solid to watch my kids. So, Latifah would help me out.
David Rockefeller Money can add very much to one’s ability to lead a constructive life, not only pleasant for oneself, but, hopefully, beneficial to others. – David Rockefeller
Elijah Cummings When I became a lawyer, no one asked me if I had spent some time in special ed. All they wanted was a good lawyer. – Elijah Cummings
Bill Bryson Maine is wonderful. It can be very hard. I mean, if you look at the profile maps it doesn’t look it, but somehow when you get out there it’s really steep and hard. – Bill Bryson
Douglas RushkoffLegal I think the only way to behave is as if nothing is private. And then fight to make what you care about legal and acceptable. – Douglas Rushkoff
Greg Wise I am starting to hate airports and the whole business of getting onto the plane. It all takes so long I want to scream. – Greg Wise
Dave Myers I still want a curry on a Friday night and maybe a steak and kidney pudding at the weekend but not all the time. – Dave Myers
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