Frankie Grande If you happen to be in an environment where people are not accepting of who you are, you just need to know that’s not always the way it will be. – Frankie Grande Accepting Quotes Environment Quotes Happen Quotes People Quotes The party life that had once given me so much confidence and comfort had turned into a nightmare where I never felt more alone. I like singing Bruce Springsteen.
Jason Isbell My grandfather was a Pentecostal preacher, and there was nothing really modern that went on under their roof. We watched television, but they were very picky about what we could watch – old Westerns and stuff that wasn’t vulgar or violent at all. – Jason Isbell
Edmund White Everyone seems agreed that writing about sex is perilous, partly because it threatens to swamp highly individualised characters in a generic, featureless activity (much like coffee-cup dialogue, during which everyone sounds the same), and partly because it feels… tacky. – Edmund White
Jess Phillips I enjoy taking people on on Twitter, because often I’m cleverer and funnier. – Jess Phillips
Ken Robinson Creativity is the process of having original ideas that have value. It is a process; it’s not random. – Ken Robinson
Rohit Saraf I love flowers, even on normal days, so they are a must-have on Valentine’s. Ditto for chocolates. – Rohit Saraf
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